St. Mary Catholic Virtue School’s journey towards inclusion began decades ago with the establishment of a Reading Resource department. Through the contribution of several dedicated teachers over the years, the program expanded to serve students with mild needs. Over the past two years, St. Mary has expanded this program even further to support students with moderate needs and has now welcomed more students with more intensive needs.

St. Mary is committed to sustaining and expanding our Special Education and Resource services.  Growing evidence shows that an inclusive environment benefits not only students with special needs, but also those who are learning alongside them. As we focus on inclusion, we see that having students of varying abilities helps all grow in the virtues of humility, charity, and patience. Typically developing students are benefiting from inclusion at St. Mary by walking a path to sainthood alongside their peers with varying special needs.

The FIRE Foundation of Denver and the Archdiocese of Denver are proud to support such a strong program!