Readiness for High School

Our St. Mary Catholic Virtue School 8th Graders prepare for High School by practicing the Core Virtues of Concord, Industriousness, Magnanimity, and Wisdom.

How our students discovers their greatness: CONCORD

Our St. Mary Catholic Virtue School students prepare for future success by engaging in projects that put into practice the Core Virtue of Concord.

Fine Arts performances call on students to work together for the achievement of a great goal.  In addition to the Polaris Project theatrical production for 6th Grade, students produce an 8th Grade play and a Christmas pageant.  

Field Trips build Concord by providing opportunities for students to have new and exciting experiences as a class.  During their time in Middle School, our students take trips to places likeHudson Gardens and the Town Hall Arts Center, while also going on hikes and doing projects around campus.

Our St. Mary Catholic Virtue School community practices Concord by agreeing to and following the parameters spelled out in the Student Handbook for that academic year.

How our students discovers their greatness: INDUSTRIOUSNESS

By working hard at their task of being students, our Middle Schoolers put into practice the Core Virtue of Industriousness.  At St. Mary Catholic Virtue School, our commitment to academic excellence is supported by standardized testing and personalized learning paths.  This combination of evidence-based assessments and teacher insights help to monitor and promote student achievement and growth to help ensure readiness for the demands of High School.

Our Middle School Planner helps students keep track of their homework and other commitments.  It has been written specifically for St. Mary Catholic Virtue School and is used in all classes.  In Middle School, students are expected to take responsibility for their academics by taking good notes, turning in assignments with a St. Mary Catholic Virtue School heading on every page, maintaining class-specific notebooks, and attending teacher Office Hours to make up work from class periods that have been missed.

Renaissance STAR Testing is used in Grades 6–8 to help track achievement in Math and Reading throughout the year. This objective measure, combined with teacher-collected anecdotal data, helps us ensure progress towards Archdiocesan standards and growth in Virtue.

How our students discovers their greatness: MAGNANIMITY

In High School, students are called upon to go above and beyond what they have achieved in Middle School.  Our St. Mary Catholic Virtue School students practice the Core Virtue of Magnanimity to prepare for the life adventure that lies ahead.

In the Fountain Pen Club, 5th Graders and Middle Schoolers compose original short stories, poems, plays, and works of art for our literary publication, "The Quill."  The Club is not connected to any particular class, and membership is by invitation only.

Playing in the Orchestra is another opportunity for St. Mary Catholic Virtue School Middle Schoolers to go above and beyond in developing their gifts and talents and contributing to the wider community.

The annual Spelling Bee gives qualified students a chance to compete against each other, and to move on to competitions in the wider community.

How our students discovers their greatness: WISDOM

The Catechism of the Catholic Church says that "God's truth is His wisdom, which commands the whole created order and governs the whole world" (no. 216).  In addition to learning about the Faith and participating in the sacramental life, St. Mary Catholic Virtue School 6th through 8th Graders practice the Core Virtue of Wisdom by contributing to the life of the parish and community as well.

Socratic Discussions during class time itself call on students to go beyond the memorization of necessary facts, demonstrating and developing the Core Virtue of Wisdom by connecting what is being learned to universal truth.

Reading at Mass is a classroom commitment, taking place on a rotating basis.  Students also distribute worship aids, and also bring up the gifts when it is their Homeroom's turn.

Sapientia Sunday takes place once a month.  Students attend Holy Mass at the parish in Mass uniform, to take part in the parish family and to be a witness for St. Mary Catholic Virtue School.  

Christmas Plant Sales bring the Garden Dome project directly into the life of the parish.

Where do St. Mary Students attend High School?

“In 6th grade we did a musical that required teamwork and bravery to perform in front of many people. It was a great experience”

Ryan Sheley | 7th Grade Student