Leadership & Faculty
In 2007, Archbishop Chaput invited the Disciples of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary to Colorado, placing St. Mary Catholic Church and School under their care. The Disciples were initially formed in Madrid, Spain and bring not only the mission of the Disciples but also language and culture to St. Mary Catholic Virtue School and St. Mary Parish.
Thank you for your interest in St. Mary Catholic Virtue School
Dear Parents,
Welcome to St. Mary Catholic Virtue School, a place where your children will build character while growing in wisdom and friendship with God.
At St. Mary, we introduce and guide our students along a "path of virtue," both intellectual and moral, so that their intelligence, will, and emotions grow in harmony, knowing what is truly good and how to attain it.
This journey of virtue will lead our students through a series of practices and great stories that will develop in them a sacramental vision to perceive God in all. They will develop
a moral imagination to see themselves as the saints, heroes, and geniuses they are called to be, and a way to become them
a narrative intelligence to shape and expand their desires for a great life worth living
a spirit of leadership to promote and serve the common good of society and the Church
This journey is based on an educational covenant between parents, teachers, students and clergy, in which each party works together for the flourishing of the student, but also of the community. Therefore, the virtues apply not only to our students, but also to each member of the community, its procedures and actions.
Virtues inspire and guide St. Mary Catholic Virtue School to be a school that promotes the inclusion of all students in our Exceptional Students Service Program. This program works with the Fire Foundation to help children with special needs, but also includes gifted and talented services. Thanks to this program, every child is welcomed as a child of God, a member of our family, and challenged personally and academically, no matter who he or she is.
St. Mary Catholic Virtue School also offers a challenging Spanish program for each grade level and the opportunity to spend 3 months in Spain as part of our Exchange Student Program, where our students' horizons are broadened by living in another country and learning about its culture.
At the culmination of their time at St. Mary Catholic Virtue School, our students will have laid the foundation in their character and souls to flourish both academically and personally in the next stages of their great and beautiful lives.
God Bless You,
Fr. James de Cendra, DCJM